The installation EyeCatcher celebrates the beauty and uniqueness of the human iris and reflects on the increasingly important role that systems which autonomously process biometric data play on a daily basis in modern industrialised societies. Visitors look into a device that automatically photographs their irises, processes them and inputs them into a system that projects the cut-out images onto a large screen. The oversized projection offers an unusual perspective on the eye and a perfect backdrop for selfies.
EyeCatcher media installation
Creators and participants:
– Software development by Humatic
– Design and production by Humatic –
In collaboration with Nils Peters, Christian Graupner, Eva Pech, Moritz Mattern, Max Krueger and Peter Knabl
At Humatic, media artists & developers join forces to create audience reactive media systems & projects for stage, exhibitions & events in art and commercial context. The name – derived from HUman MAgnetics – points to the close link between audience & media, that Humatic’s technology can achieve. Humatic collaborates with institutions such as ZKM, Center for Art & Media, Karlsruhe and IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris. Their works have been shown worldwide, such as their media slot machine MindBox, that toured in Europe, US and Japan, or NMN NoMoreNukes, a hack-activism project, that simultaneously started in Taiwan, California, Germany, Mongolia and Japan. In 2013, the MNM media system premiered at Cynet Art Dresden and was shown at the Paris Nemo Festival. Humatic’s Software libraries and apps are used in medical tech, TV, industries, recording-studios and many other fields. TouchDAW, a MIDI control app for Android, is used by thousands of audio professionals.